Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package il.core.fhir.r4#0.16.2 (47 ms)
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"status" : "draft",
"name" : "ILCoreObservationLabCode",
"id" : "il-core-observation-lab-code",
"title" : "IL Core Observation Lab Code",
"description" : "A list of lab-code codes for lab observations for the IL Core",
"url" : "",
"version" : "0.16.0",
"publisher" : "Israel Core Team",
"date" : "2024-11-06",
"contact" : [
"telecom" : [
"system" : "email",
"value" : ""
"experimental" : false,
"compose" : {
"include" : [
"system" : "",
"filter" : [
"property" : "CLASSTYPE",
"op" : "=",
"value" : "1"
"system" : "",
"concept" : [
"code" : "11778-8",
"display" : "Delivery date Estimated"
"code" : "15325-4",
"display" : "Prostate specific Ag/Prostate volume calculated"
"code" : "19991-9",
"display" : "Alveolar-arterial oxygen Partial pressure difference"
"code" : "20564-1",
"display" : "Oxygen saturation in Blood"
"code" : "2709-4",
"display" : "Oxygen saturation in Capillary blood"
"code" : "2711-0",
"display" : "Oxygen saturation in Venous blood"
"code" : "29463-7",
"display" : "Body weight"
"code" : "3137-7",
"display" : "Body height Measured"
"code" : "33069-6",
"display" : "Fetal nuchal translucency measured by US"
"code" : "33434-2",
"display" : "Volume expired (vol/time)"
"code" : "38018-8",
"display" : "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region"
"code" : "39231-6",
"display" : "Syphilis screen test status CPHS"
"code" : "43150-2",
"display" : "Hemoglobin A1c measurement device panel"
"code" : "45251-6",
"display" : "HIV confirmation facility"
"code" : "45687-1",
"display" : "Sexually transmitted diseases [Minimum Data Set]"
"code" : "46633-4",
"display" : "Remarks [RFC]"
"code" : "48585-4",
"display" : "NM Exhaled gas Gastric emptying time post 100 mg sodium acetate PO"
"code" : "48770-2",
"display" : "Fetal Biophysical profile panel US"
"code" : "48807-2",
"display" : "Bone marrow aspiration report"
"code" : "55399-0",
"display" : "Diabetes tracking panel"
"code" : "60834-9",
"display" : "Blood temperature"
"code" : "62855-2",
"display" : "Deprecated PhenX measure - oral glucose tolerance test"
"code" : "62856-0",
"display" : "PhenX - oral glucose tolerance test protocol 141001"
"code" : "64604-2",
"display" : "Technician [Identifier]"
"code" : "64711-5",
"display" : "How many weeks or months did that pregnancy last [#] [PhenX]"
"code" : "68608-9",
"display" : "Summary note"
"code" : "71853-6",
"display" : "Oxygen saturation [Pure mass fraction] in Blood"
"code" : "73806-2",
"display" : "Newborn age in hours"
"code" : "76282-3",
"display" : "Heart rate.beat-to-beat by EKG"
"code" : "78354-8",
"display" : "Arterial-alveolar oxygen Partial pressure ratio"
"code" : "78940-4",
"display" : "Coronary artery disease risk factor panel"
"code" : "80333-8",
"display" : "Other elements in Urine"
"code" : "81035-8",
"display" : "Trans fat intake 24 hour Measured"
"code" : "8277-6",
"display" : "Body surface area"
"code" : "8310-5",
"display" : "Body temperature"
"code" : "8609-0",
"display" : "Hypertrophy [Interpretation] by EKG"
"code" : "87179-8",
"display" : "Guidance for fine needle aspiration"
"code" : "9187-6",
"display" : "Urine output"
"code" : "92573-5",
"display" : "Resident of region that is endemic for the disease of interest"
"code" : "99742-9",
"display" : "Peritoneal dialysis panel"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.